This is what I’m doing NOW (January 2024)
(Inspired by Graham Allcott)
Good Leaders in Turbulent Times - How to Navigate Wild Waters at Work published by Practical Inspiration Publishing is out in The Wild. See photos of its adventures on mountain peaks ands elsewhere here
Page design and cover co-created with the wonderful Marianne Hartley.
It is dedicated to '... all the leaders whom I will never know who, facing the challenges of turbulent times, are courageously aspiring to be the good leaders who will sustain a decent, just and civil society, so we can all live together well for the foreseeable future.'
On the day of publication, 23rd September it became an instant kindle best seller in UK (Three categories) and USA (two categories). See home page of my site Not a bad start :-).
I have been working on the book with Jenny Berry ACEVO since the idea first popped up in 2016. Having given the first endorsement (in March 2021), Sir Nick Young has written the foreword and spoke compellingly at the launch of which photos are here .
Buy the book in lots of places, including here, here, here, here and here
Refreshed website to be in line with current life and offer. Podcast here, more to come.
Following the two strategic planning days I facilitated in September for Care Network I ma now supporting distilling of the plan.
Facilitate a gathering in January of with the Environmental Law Foundation
Supporting Action Duchenne to strengthen Board and operations
Facilitating a team day with the wonderful AllOutAfrica in Eswatini. (I was last with them in January 2020, just weeks before the Pandemic hit us all.). Also joining 75th birthday celebrations of my friend Rose whom I first met in 1972.
Now arranging our sixth gathering of the online group sharing our responses to ‘Flowchart for navigating our climate predicament’. With incisive logic and engaging gallows humour Andrew Boyd “sets us off on a quest to learn how to live with the ‘impossible news’ of climate breakdown”. The first group was November 2023 This first group is now full (8) but please mail me if you would like to be amongst the first to start a second circle (eg Asia, Australia, N/S America)
Convening a virtual global ‘emerging network of “us” ‘ with other CPF | Emeritus facilitators; 7th meeting due in November. Recognised by the International Association of Facilitators as a Certified™ Professional Facilitator | Emeritus (*'The IAF Certified™ Professional Facilitator ǀ Emeritus is a designation granted to an IAF CPF or IAF CPF ǀ Master when the facilitator demonstrates the senior level of an IAF CPF ǀ M [...] who has made significant contributions to advancing the field of facilitation.
As part of my life long journey inwards I am still feeling deeply enriched by my (7th, first was 2002) week's retreat at Plum Village in France at the end of July. Also still buzzing from 3 days at Paris Olympics (Retreat was calm, Paris crazy - and all good!).
With Patricia, Susanne, Ramey and Scott, nourished by our deep sharing in the Live Well, Die Wise deep listening group. Met in person in July in Germany which deepened our contact.
Coordinating monthly 'R' Word gathering with The Experience Network (R - 'retirement' rejuvenation' 're-directing' 're-tyring' etc etc). Seven of us. Started June 2021; 34 gathering in early November.
Still wild swimming in the Thames and elsewhere. As I did two years ago volunteered at the Allgâu Triathlon in southern Germany in August. Rained all day. Have just about dried out. .
Now Good Leaders... i published I am Intending to get back to learning German Spanish French have taken a back seat; planing to bring them in to the front seat in the autumn.
New Skoda electric car goes well but has too many gadgets and tech for my liking. Still trying to work out how cheap home charging works.