Martin Farrell

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‘This is essential reading for all leaders’ Sir Nick Young

‘This is an energising and liberating book...’

‘A must-read for anyone seeking to lead with courage, empathy and conviction in today's unpredictable and challenging world.’

If you are looking for a leadership guide by your side, go no further.

The next best thing to being in the room with Martin... You will find him on every page.

I suspect this is a book I’ll keep coming back to, to help me in my own leadership practice, and each time will find something new and invaluable in its pages.

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The age I have reached and the age we are living through, both tell me it’s time for me to do things differently. So I have written a book. Actually, I have lived a book – for eight years from conception (October 2016) to completion.

The book I have written is for ‘Good Leaders… ‘ in organizations, large and small, everywhere. I believe that the power of their collective response to ‘... Turbulent Times’ can and will surely tip the balance towards creating a decent, civil and sustainable society for all.

(As well as to my wife Korinna) Good Leaders in Turbulent Times; How to Navigate Wild Waters at Work is dedicated to ‘... all the leaders whom I will never know who, facing the challenges of turbulent times, are courageously aspiring to be the good leaders who will sustain a decent, just and civil society, so we can all live together well for the foreseeable future.’

If this dedication strikes a chord, you may be interested in:

Good Leaders...’ out in The Wild (see more photos)

Roger with sunflowers,
N Carolina USA
"Don’t jump; hold on",
Esther Kingston
Nick and Martin,
Café La Manufacture Basel

You may also like to get your own copy of ‘Good Leaders in Turbulent Times’ from Practical Inspiration Publishing, from Waterstones, or from your local bookshop, Hive, Apple, Amazon, Barnes & Noble worldwide. Contact me if you would like to know about how to receive a personalised bookplate (limited edition of 200).

Here's the origin story of what has become ‘Good Leaders...’, and here are some photos of the London launch, October 2024.

Client list and client quotes.

You were brilliant.

It all starts with a conversation.

Photo of Martin

Certified Professional Facilitator Emeritus

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Cartoon bike by Steven Appleby